Patch 0.7.3 - Performance improvements

Patch 0.7.3 is out!

This patch focusses on performance.
A lot of graphics options were changed, please re-apply your most appropriate preset to get the updated configs and tweak it back to your liking from there.

All changes and notes below:


  • Shadows - Fixed an issue where disabling or lowering the CSM config did not apply properly and caused a performance drain.
  • Fixed an issue where screenscale wasn't being persisted properly.


  • Shadows - Added an extra option for CSM Far Cascades.
  • Shadows - Added an option for the Cloud Shadows.
  • Shadows - Added an option to turn off CSM shadows when the sun is near the horizon, this is the point when they're the most expensive.
  • Shadows - Added an option for the Volumetric Shadows.
  • WeatherEffects Rain/Snow - Further scaled performance impact of these by increasing the settings available in the weather effects graphics option.


  • Rebalanced graphics presets.
  • Optimised the Redwoods biome.